Tech & Rights

​Almost Out of Time: Will President Obama #PardonSnowden?

Today there are fewer than 50 days left of the Obama presidency. Will he grant a pardon to Edward Snowden as one of his last acts?

by Federica Brioschi
it is essential that President Obama, in his last days in charge of the executive branch, pardons Edward Snowden. (Image: Thierry Ehrmann)
Time is running out for whistleblower Edward Snowden, who is currently living in Russia.

Snowden’s story

Edward Snowden is an American citizen and a former employee of the NSA and the CIA. In 2013, he decided to make public the mass surveillance programs that the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom had developed on a global level. Following his revelation, he made an incredible escape from Hong Kong and settled in Russia, where he still lives, without the possibility to go home.

In fact, if he went back to the United States, he would be put on trial for violating an extremely harsh law (the Espionage Act of 1917), which could result in the death penalty if convicted.

Following the leaks, the US Congress had to limit the surveillance powers of the NSA by issuing the Freedom Act, and American courts started to limit the surveillance powers of the NSA.


In light of these events, the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch launched a petition asking President Obama to use his presidential powers to pardon Edward Snowden. (Those who aren’t American citizens can help by signing a separate petition here.)

Among the supporters are George Soros, founder and head of Open Society Foundations, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the world wide web, Daniel Radcliffe, actor. Even the European Parliament stood up for his pardon, as did the journalists of The Washington Post and The Guardian, which won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting Snowden's information.

“The possibility to continue his fight as a truly free man — this is what it should be granted to Edward Snowden,” writes Patrizio Gonnella, president of the Italian Coalition for Civil Rights and Freedoms.

'Snowden' the movie

At the same time, Oliver Stone's movie “Snowden” has now been released, telling the story of the leak in a linear way despite the difficulty and the complexity of the issues. The movie is able to explain the relationship between the US government's access to data around the world and terrorism and warfare.

The turning point of the story is when Snowden understands that he and his wife are also under control in their private lives and decides to take action. The movie was presented in Rome on October 16 and released in cinemas on November 24.

Death sentence

Now, after the result of the recent presidential election, the possibility that Snowden will receive a pardon from President Trump are as feeble as ever. In fact, Trump has appointed Mike Pompeo as head of the CIA, a man who once called Snowden a traitor who should be sentenced to death.

This is why it is essential that President Obama, in his last days in charge of the executive branch, pardons Edward Snowden.

“The pardon for Edward Snowden is sacred. Oliver Stone reminded us of this in his movie. We should also keep this in mind while thinking about our rights and of who risked everything to protect them,” writes Gonnella.
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